Baqarah Notes: Sick Hearts, Interior Decorator and Dissection of Ayah 8–10

#BarsDissection #AyahGenius #BaqarahwithNAK #NAKbars

So many Nuances in this Ayah — I do apologize ahead for not sorting out the summary/lessons from the analytical point. May do so in the future iA.

1. Min AnNass meaning “From Among the People”: Hypocrites within the Jewish and Muslim community… he opened “the game” up — One Bar of Al Haqq versus Disingenuousness, in the Manner or Moses’s Staff versus orders.

2. Man Yaquullu meaning “who/some Say”:- Allah just gives them a ‘sub’; without trying to expose ‘the noun’ or body behind the hypocrisy. From This we learn that:

· We now see a Sunnah of Allah where he hides the names so that NO BODY will Label ANYBODY a Munafiq.

· We study Hypocrisy ONLY because so that we can study them and Look at ourselves

· Fi qulubihim Marad: — None of our businesses to be checking Sick Spiritual hearts. Detect yours FIRST! And worry a lot about it.

· The words implies that they Repeatedly Say it again up to a level of suspicion that manifests itself.

· This is very unlike “quality companions” such as Umar and Abubakr, who hardly had to repeat their testimony on a regular. So we see that they are either looking for a favor or na guilty conscience, or paranoia etc.

· See this as just a surface/esoteric #bar that was able to rattle their so fragile walls of deceit. The wonder what the subsequent one’s would sound like.

3. “..Aaamanna billah wa bil yaumil Aakhir” — “We believe IN Allah and IN(unnecessary emphasis) The Day of Judgement”.

· So when the heard the previous Ayah 7"Khatamallah ala Qulubihim”… They became paranoid and had to come try defend themselves.

As the Saying in the streets go “Na when breeze blow na him fowl….. dey open”. Yet we are still on the Esoteric Bar.. You can imagine the terror already.

· Two BIL’s بل emphasis is irregular. So Allah goes irregular with the pattern of the Ayah “And from the people….”

· He doesn’t use the Singular AmantuAamanna meaning “We believe in…” in other to disguise and blend in their phases(amongst the Jews and Hypocrites together).

· Ibn Ashur: Those people they know they don’t believe in the Aakhira, So they are trying to disguise themselves and Say OH YES WE BELIEVE IN BOTH with emphasis(that distinguishes both separations).

4. “Wa maa hum bi Mu’mineen”

· Ibn Ashur: They have too much hatred but they try to come and show what they have in common so they can’t demonstrate their hatred by blending with a Smile. They were expecting the revelation to come from their Family( the line of Isaac, Jacob and Israel) but it went to the gentiles(children of Ismail) who are the cursed children of Abraham”. — (some) Evangelicals use it too.

· Another commentary: They will actually rise on Judgement day (with an Amnesia) and they will EVEN think they were Muslims and they will walk together until the Wall is dropped between them. Subhanallah

From this Ayah, we see a profound Wisdom. Ustaz Nouman would say “If we only heard about “people who believed” and “disbelieved”, we would only assume people are of two categories, so he made (for) them another category of disbelievers.

- I add that this is supposed to keep us in check from making egocentric judgments about ourselves. At the end of this part, one should be able to quiz themselves which part they belong to, with a little less cockiness in them and over the next sinner they’d encounter.

Lets go through a quick review of some “Elementary Basics”.

Iman Is of two things

· On Your Tongue: I can hear and touch

· In Your Heart: can’t hear and touch.

· Usually, both may never be in Sync.

Across the board, when Allah say mu’mineen, He is talking about the peoples Heart.

If he Talks about what people say, he refers to them as MUSLIM

For ISLAM — It’s either you have it or not. No debates because it’s about professing it.

For IMAN — It is of different range, Replenishes, goes down or Up, oscillates with varying action. E.g. By removing thorny plants, choosing to not lower one’s gaze, not heeding to a compliance of religion, hijab etc.

“ Iman is of 70 Degrees hadith”… Moving a chuku chuku can increase Iman, refusal to remove can make it low.

- Rule of Thumb: If your Iman isn’t going up, then it’s most likely plummeting down. Almost Very impossible to remain Stale.

Back to schedule: “Wa maahum bi Mu’mineen” is about their Zero Heart rate

· The opposite of Muslim and Mu’mineen are both Kaafir.

· If it’s the Opposite of Anything been in the heart, So one has to look at the context of Kaafir

We are encouraged to look into a person as a Muslim when they walk into mosque as Mu’mineen.

Don’t Say “Lasta Mu’minan”, when they say Salams to you, afterwards…. You give them Benefit of the doubt right away!!

What we have learnt right now is about the qualitative state of our states.

“When Iman is *very* Low then it is DANGEROUSLY close to hypocrisy” ~ Ustaz

From Yesterday, Same Word, two differences …. #Context


Also in Makkah, There were 3 levels to which the people were comprised off during when the Message came.

People of:

· Extreme Love — Do or die kawai

· Extreme Hate –Do and die by torture of you do

There wasn’t a binary like that in Madinah but there was a so called “neutral Group” (in Makkah) that wanted to compromise and mediate.

  • Waddooo lau tud hidu fa yudhinuun” — Surah Qalam vs 9. “They wish that you would soften [in your position], so they would soften [toward you].” (Sahih International)
  • They cared about what outsiders would be thinking seeing fragmentation.
  • Even while he took off, the arguments where still there taking place in Makkah.
  • So they Said “what if he went to Madinah sef”… at the end of the day “Shebi all na Makkah people and our power dey spread”. They were thinking in tribal affiliation lenses. The Deep haters regardless continued to attempt doing hit assassinations.

The division ended after the Muslim Ambush. So when they found the scout of the caravan on the Muslim side, the caravan en route got encircled and where annihilated. Therein all the Quraish became One body.

Side Notes:

These 3 reaction stated above will happen to All Prophets, for their Makkah and Madinan phases e.g. Musa.

  • Musa talked about in 70 places. His history is superimposed into the prophet. It’s not just by coincidence, as the parallels are quite very close.
  • That’s why there is a deep connection between us(Muslims) and the Jews.


  • Ansar; Unconditional love.
  • Leaders with the Jews: whereas opposed him even in times of peace treaties, they were aiding and abetting in private. Sworn enemies in other words from the start. This is a state of Ideological conflict as we see today.
  • When you let it grow, it turns to war.
  • Middle Category: Both Muslims and Jews. The Muslims didn’t know what they were signing up for. “Let’s just work something out guys”. They were like, “Wa yaquululladhina Aamanu lauwla unzilat surah” In Surah Muhammad.…. “Make we wait for Surah make e land.” Then Later “when Surah don land ooo” They are shouting Yepaa!!!!!!!


“Yukhaadi’unallah Walidhina aamanu

  • “They try to deceive Allah and those who believe…”
  • Allah FORCES you to think(while also been confused)…. “Why deceive Allah even if You have Small Iman”.
  • Theoretically, we Obey Allah But PRACTICALLY we are obeying the messenger and you can never separate between both (in about 8 Ayaaat).
  • In Worship, we only worship Allah, in Obedience, we obey both. Unlike the Christians.
  • “If you Love Allah then follow me…”
  • Here in this Context “Deceiving Allah” = Deceiving the Prophet. Hence Crime against the Prophet THEY think, but this is a CRIME against Allah.

- In our modern office lingua, this is a Gross act “insubordination”.

  • They are left to keep pondering that “They didn’t try deceiving Allah but ONLY the Prophet”. Allah explains the deception in Surah Munaaafiqin.

- Summary: Mumu don enter One Chance by Mistake.

As for the Jews

  • Their Reaction: “No be by force to believe in your prophet, we believe in EVERY OTHER thing too then, e never do?”
  • Then they go to Makkah and discuss with Kuffar about topics such as “when we go go kill this guy’s now?” This is while they are still under oath.
  • There were STILL good Jews back them but Allah isn’t talking about them
  • That element (of past atrocities) always had a disease in their hearts. “Yaqtuluuna nabiyyin bi deenil haq” — They killed their (most) messengers on the religion of Truth”.

“Wa maa Yakhda uuna Illah Anfusa hum

  • “Na ONLY them dey mumu themselves”
  • They are the only ones being fooled when they try to show fake Loyalty in Allah’s messenger
  • They pick the easy Battles if they go at all, then them go Join back row so that they can pick the booties and claim that “shebi we dey with Una tey tey”.
  • “Ala fil fitnati saqatu” -
  • They Only Deceived themselves and they have no realization of what their up to EVEN at that given moment of consciousness.
  • Remember how they borrowed Kuffar the Questions so that they can be trumped? They’ve been planning and exchanging messages with the messenger since way back as 5 years before his arrival.


Fi quluubihim Marad

_ Yes They Have a consciousness that is faded — A diseased Heart

  • Answer to the previous question — “they’ve been deprived from realizing anything”
  • And their disease is the doubt they have
  • Not “Fi Suduuurihim Maradan”.
  • The Chest was knocked several times and they let the Shaytan into their hearts and he redecorated their hearts with the disease. Goes to “Wa Zayyana lahum A’maalahum” — and he beatifies for you your (bad) deeds).
  • When an intruder comes in, you Ideally should do isti’aza. But you allowed him to mess the place up.
  • Remember Shaytan was told, “My slaves — you have no authority over them”. So if he stays then it’s because of your conscious refusal to kick him out especially when you had the tools
  • So You want to listen to him? Allow him continue. Even in Ramadan you dey on top auto pilot.
  • The disease isn’t just doubt but it is cowardice — remember the fragile wall and their paranoia? Subject is further explained in Surah Munafiq and then Taubah, relating to their assassination attempt on the prophet at night.

Even today we’ll have 3 categories inshaAllah.

Whispers “Reformist ISLAAAAAAM” — after All it’s 2016, we don’t have to be too stern.

  • Response — our Deen is already balanced.
  • Allah allows the disease to increase, then you begin to ask that “Some things in our revelation don’t make sense”, “you know the Qur’an is yes but the Hadith”. Then you say “some Ayaats are no longer relevant and will never be,” then “I am an Agnostic”, “then I don’t believe in Organized religion”. A gradual descent into disbelief.
  • They have to keep coming up with lies” — “Yak’zibuunn
  • Azaabun Azeem is great punishment that can lead to death. But “Azaabun Aleem” …. Constantly painful punishment. No subsiding pain.
  • Their crime? They caused the Believers Pain. Far more Painful Pain caused from the internal side. Betrayers.
Penkelemesi's Reflection on Self and Soceity.
Penkelemesi's Reflection on Self and Soceity.

Written by Penkelemesi's Reflection on Self and Soceity.

Other than Ayat, #IbnJareeriya, Walking Oliver Tambo, tomorrows…… #AishaSwag

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